Tuesday, July 21, 2015

You can Make This Stuff Up, Evidently

real headline -

Chattanooga shooter was possibly troubled; motive a mystery.

I guess we'll never know!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

By Deception Shall You do War, (and commenting)

If it's not food, don't swallow it.
I’m very interested in the phenomena of “professional trolling”, especially evidence of organized campaigns. Reference to various sub-types based on methods/goals, as well as various levels of competence, leads me to wonder if there isn’t a site devoted to this phenomena. The art seems fairly advanced, but the critical response seems fragmented and unorganized. The Saker has mentioned that the current war is about 85% propaganda, 10% factual and 5% kinetic. Given the importance of the informational aspect, I’m sure that all sides devote considerable resources to the study and practice, but as in all matters of intelligence, methods and techniques are held closely and amatuers can only speculate on these things. Do you know of any open resources that regularly speak of such matters?
Lately, I’ve grown very suspicious of counter-trolling; those that engage with the diluters, often with very extensive factual and historical cut-and-paste jobs, especially on subjects that have been beaten to death (from my perspective), chiefly the holocaust and the general subject of Jewry, 9-11, and others. The subjects have been discussed at ludicrous length, nothing new is ever presented, and virtually no-one is dissuaded in their notions. I strongly suspect that 99% of this counter-narrative is in-house hasbara and the remaining 1% obsessives with greatly varying levels of knowledge and talent. Insulting Jews on Unz, especially on posts by such as Shamir, Gottfried, Mercer, Finkelstein is just so stupid and counterproductive, not to mention rude, that it’s difficult to believe that it isn’t simply bait for the unwary or damaged minds.
In the meanwhile, do not feed the trolls!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Hey, Vern! Trick or Trump?

My recollection is that Russ Verney was the brains behind Perot’s run, and that he personally dynamited Buchanan’s run when he determined that Pat was too right-wing. He also jerked support from Jesse Ventura when Jesse was getting too popular. It is my opinion that he was a Democratic Party operative all along and was also involved with the Dick Armey Libertarian fiasco, possibly with Armey’s knowing cooperation; its hard too say, but Armey may have been smarter than he’s given credit for.

The function of third parties as spoilers for one or the other “real” parties is generally unrecognized, as well as the methods of cooperation between them to crush their own reformers, for the benefit of their ostensible opposition. The Libertarian party was subverted early on to become a sink for those voters unwelcome in the mainstream, although it was seriously libertarian when it was formed.These tendencies, (as well as the propensities of candidates such as Mondale, Dukakis, Dole, McCain, and Romney to run curiously lackluster campaigns – “take a dive”, if you will), lead one to suppose that what is unseen and prior to the actual elections is determinative rather than the ass and elephant show. That’s why Justin Raimondo’s theory of Trump as false-flag candidate makes so much sense: roll up all the conservative votes for one seemingly real and serious candidate, dispose of him one way or the other e.g. Muskie crying, ” the scream”, McCain pretending (or not) to be crazy, etc. I think Trump, being a pretty smart guy is in on it, but I’m hoping he will see how desperate people are for a lifeline that he will start to buy into his own bullshit and go for it for real. I’m trying to find out if Verney is involved in any way, because he seems to be the or one of the main Machiavellian vectors of the deception circus. It’s a club and we aren’t members.