Thursday, July 16, 2015

Hey, Vern! Trick or Trump?

My recollection is that Russ Verney was the brains behind Perot’s run, and that he personally dynamited Buchanan’s run when he determined that Pat was too right-wing. He also jerked support from Jesse Ventura when Jesse was getting too popular. It is my opinion that he was a Democratic Party operative all along and was also involved with the Dick Armey Libertarian fiasco, possibly with Armey’s knowing cooperation; its hard too say, but Armey may have been smarter than he’s given credit for.

The function of third parties as spoilers for one or the other “real” parties is generally unrecognized, as well as the methods of cooperation between them to crush their own reformers, for the benefit of their ostensible opposition. The Libertarian party was subverted early on to become a sink for those voters unwelcome in the mainstream, although it was seriously libertarian when it was formed.These tendencies, (as well as the propensities of candidates such as Mondale, Dukakis, Dole, McCain, and Romney to run curiously lackluster campaigns – “take a dive”, if you will), lead one to suppose that what is unseen and prior to the actual elections is determinative rather than the ass and elephant show. That’s why Justin Raimondo’s theory of Trump as false-flag candidate makes so much sense: roll up all the conservative votes for one seemingly real and serious candidate, dispose of him one way or the other e.g. Muskie crying, ” the scream”, McCain pretending (or not) to be crazy, etc. I think Trump, being a pretty smart guy is in on it, but I’m hoping he will see how desperate people are for a lifeline that he will start to buy into his own bullshit and go for it for real. I’m trying to find out if Verney is involved in any way, because he seems to be the or one of the main Machiavellian vectors of the deception circus. It’s a club and we aren’t members.

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