Suddenly, everything else is unimportant...
News at eleven
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Sometimes, You Bite the Bear
I was quite concerned to see Trump talking about "Red Lines" in response to the latest obvious false flag chemical weapons massacre in Syria. His skepticism of the prevailing narrative is well known, so i was quite surprised that he would so quickly seem to drop it in Assad's lap. I've seen quite a lot of commentary to the effect that he knows what he's doing, and his being several steps ahead of his opponents, playing 3-d chess, etc., but I have to confess that I was losing faith in the guy, and even Vox Day was getting a little wobbly -
"At some point, Donald Trump is going to have to realize that there is a reason the neocons and their global policeman approach failed:"
Fortunately, The Conservative Treehouse has a good explanation of Trump's strategy;
" Knowing the rather extensive ground work that has already taken place, there’s no immediate reason to believe Putin and Assad do not recognize President Trump’s larger strategy."
I guess I'm just not used to a President that can be trusted. It has been nearly 30 years since we've had one that didn't totally suck. Here I go hoping again...
"At some point, Donald Trump is going to have to realize that there is a reason the neocons and their global policeman approach failed:"
Fortunately, The Conservative Treehouse has a good explanation of Trump's strategy;
" Knowing the rather extensive ground work that has already taken place, there’s no immediate reason to believe Putin and Assad do not recognize President Trump’s larger strategy."
I guess I'm just not used to a President that can be trusted. It has been nearly 30 years since we've had one that didn't totally suck. Here I go hoping again...
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Bogging Light - Too much Gabbin'
Trump dodged a bullet, in my opinion, by the postponing of health care reform. The last thing he needs is his name associated with this flustercuck; It needs to stay "Obamacare" until it crashes and burns. He has enough on his plate without getting stuck to that tarbaby.
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Разведка США - Limonev
"Разведка США утверждает что Россия готова "подарить" США Эдварда Сноудена..."
Кто такие "разведка США" ?
Это руководители американских разведок, поназначенные Обамой за его 8 лет, и ещё не отправленные на покой господином президентом Дональдом Трампом.
Поскольку они знают что их вот-вот сместят, потому и несут ту пургу, которая им к утру приснилась.
Кто такие "разведка США" ?
Это руководители американских разведок, поназначенные Обамой за его 8 лет, и ещё не отправленные на покой господином президентом Дональдом Трампом.
Поскольку они знают что их вот-вот сместят, потому и несут ту пургу, которая им к утру приснилась.
Friday, February 10, 2017
"Worse than Crime - Blunder"
I'm not sure what her motivation is, I believe she is opposition to Poroshenko's party and is jockying for position in upcoming election, but she is certainly right that there was no strategic value in killing Givi, and in fact, these murders will have strengthened the resolve of the Novorussians against any spring offensive and that they will never again be part of Ukraine.
She may recognize from her own lenient treatment, and that of many Ork POWs, how accommodating RF has been to show good will under the circumstances, This would make her one of the smartest politicians in Ukraine. It is a strange but hopeful development; an outbreak of rationality from an unlikely source!
I'm not sure what her motivation is, I believe she is opposition to Poroshenko's party and is jockying for position in upcoming election, but she is certainly right that there was no strategic value in killing Givi, and in fact, these murders will have strengthened the resolve of the Novorussians against any spring offensive and that they will never again be part of Ukraine.
She may recognize from her own lenient treatment, and that of many Ork POWs, how accommodating RF has been to show good will under the circumstances, This would make her one of the smartest politicians in Ukraine. It is a strange but hopeful development; an outbreak of rationality from an unlikely source!
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
The Answer to a Boring and Empty Life
Heartbroken; that's what I get for picking sides in a fight that doesn't really concern me, and watching my guys get picked off one-by-one. Small consolation that everyone on the steppes has been in constant warfare for millenia, so they must be somewhat fatalistic and live life to the fullest, good and bad.
Watched video of Givi dancing with ptitsas after victory over Orks; thought Christian warrior/martyrs have big advantage: getting 70 virgins in THIS LIFE!
RIP comrades, you will be revenged."
Watched video of Givi dancing with ptitsas after victory over Orks; thought Christian warrior/martyrs have big advantage: getting 70 virgins in THIS LIFE!
RIP comrades, you will be revenged."
Monday, February 6, 2017
Eduard Limonov in the Land of the Blind
It seems that the older I get the less I know, This makes blogging rather difficult to the extent that one wishes to avoid "on the one hand,...on the other hand... blah blah"
Limonov avoids this very neatly by taking a strong position and sticking with it, even through beatings and jail, and where he seems to say what I'm thinking, even in rough machine-translation, I'm inclined to merely re-blog his efforts, even as I hope he is wrong, and fear he is not...
Trump, but not the same...
Limonov avoids this very neatly by taking a strong position and sticking with it, even through beatings and jail, and where he seems to say what I'm thinking, even in rough machine-translation, I'm inclined to merely re-blog his efforts, even as I hope he is wrong, and fear he is not...
- February 6th, 18:14
Two weeks after the inauguration.
Not a hundred days, but the basic trends are already clear. And they are not encouraging.
Well, hell with it, but Donald trump would not speak so long on the phone with Poroshenko. Shorter would that the Russians did not compare the duration of conversations with Poroshenko and Putin.
Ambassador to the UN has said that sanctions against Russia will be lifted only if Russia returns Crimea to Ukraine.
In the United States are well aware that the return of Crimea to Ukraine — as incredible as it is, and the return of Mexico, Northern California, for example. But demagogically claim, is another matter
Trump doesn't seem so peaceful foreign policy.
At that time, as Russia, Turkey and Iran again come together in Astana, trying to solve the problem of war in Syria, the United States under the new administration, serves not peaceful signals, and not against the Caliphate (Islamic State) but against one of the enemies of the Caliphate against Iran.
Last week, the White House suddenly held a press conference , Michael Flynn, the new national security adviser, General of the marine corps.
The whole world was expecting to see next to trump, so to speak, the "new Americans", and Michael Flynn is not like new American, but terribly reminiscent of old American. Lieutenant-General of Marines under Obama
"We officially warn Iran", — began his speech before journalists General Flynn. And cited as reasons for dissatisfaction with the US Iran — Iran tests ballistic missiles, and allegations that Iran is behind the attack of the rebels-Houthis in Yemen, on Saudi patrol boat.
Flynn cited these examples as "evidence of the destabilizing behavior of Iran in the middle East", he also stressed "the failure of the Obama administration to respond adequately to the hostile acts of Tehran".
The newly elected President did not hide his irritation with Iran, something unknown in his following statement more — the greed of the businessman, or the rage of the American imperialist
"Iran is occupying Iraq with ever increasing speed, even after the United States has spent there three billion dollars".
Trump recently indirectly supported by his national security adviser, speaking in the spirit".ofcourse line to talk about military intervention before it starts". Showed his craftiness and warned about his treachery to the middle East have lived in fear.
Now Iran has all the rights to believe that the missiles "Tomahawk" may fly to Tehran in the coming days.
The Washington Post on Thursday published an article where there are such lines: "President trump promotes power politics, which seems to be increasingly moving away from traditional diplomacy, he has concentrated decision-making in a small group of supporters who are quick promoting a new approach to the world where "America — the beginning"".
According to the "Wall Street Journal", the supporters of the trump called its policy and its methods, the policy of "shock and horror"
Externally, the new U.S. aggressiveness focused yet on Iran, but at the same time continues and the conflict policy towards China. And the plans of his associates trump not hide.
Stephen Bannon (you can also say Bannon) — comes from the American extreme right wing think tank, he was considered the ideologist of Donald trump in December of last year, immediately after the victory of trump's choice — revealed part of the card:
"The United States will enter the war in the Chinese inland sea in 5 or 10 years"....
And what?
Only frivolous Russia, and its mostly frivolous politicians, unable to believe what trump recently spoke about Russia in a more or less friendly tone
Russia trump just intends to use in its struggle with China.
Trump's attitude to Russia — only temporarily soothing, designed to ease the aggression of the United States in other places of the planet.
If Moscow does not act in the interests of the United States, it's her turn to pay for it coming soon as well.
Open your eyes, citizens!
Particularly widely, I beg you, open your eyes you, is the all — powerful solvers of our destinies.
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Mr. Limonov says (Live Journal)
- February 4th, 12:41
He offended the Prime Minister of Australia — he hung up in a conversation with him. It turns out that it took Obama signed with Australia an agreement on the adoption of migrants from Australia to the United States.
Trump has offended the President of Mexico that insists on building a wall between USA and Mexico. And stated that it would impose high tariffs on Mexican goods, which will pay for the construction of the wall. That is, he will keep his promise to build a wall between the two countries at the expense of Mexico.
Trump has hurt Muslims all over the world and especially the Muslims of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, and Yemen — that forbade them entry into the United States. While some on three, some on four months... But for this prohibition are viewed more severe measures against Muslims.
Trump has hurt the liberal intelligentsia of the United States — all the freaks of the USA, like Madonna (the alias it, think about — blasphemy!), all filthy-rich rock-n-rolldice, all Actresses and actors in Hollywood, the fabulously wealthy in this country, people are extremely unruly manners and do not want these customs to change.
Trump many offended anyone. And, it seems, even his wife Melani: she disappeared in new York with the son of the Baron and the public have not seen her since the day of inauguration, that is since January 20. The last time the winner of the husband she's unhappy, almost crying face.
"What drama lies behind her disappearance?" — thinking we are.
I do not whether the couple broke up under the heavy burden of the American presidency?
Or Melanie had deliberately removed? Leaving her husband to fulfill his military duty to elect his American red necks, quilted jackets, or the "plebs", if we can call it voter-Roman.
Maybe the Melanya generally a member of the Democratic party of the United States and therefore looked so unhappy at the inauguration of her husband a Republican?
Harsh husband is a man's job in the oval office, sitting with solemn and gloomy view of the table. Made History.
Indicative in this sense one picture. Trump sits with antediluvian handset in hand, to the antediluvian apparatus zmeitsya wire. Around, as in ancient paintings or outdated pictures, several groups deliberately located his colleagues.
Sitting in the chair, the Vice-President Mike Pence c silver hair on a young face of a boxer, just behind Advisor Stephen Bannon (similar to rocker Zharikova, group DK, the once ally of Zhirinovsky) and an attractive spokesman Sean Spicer. Complete a couple of generals in civilian clothes, one of them — marine General, Michael Flynn.
The photo looks strikingly old-fashioned, like it belongs to the time of some of Nixon.
Maybe old-fashioned proves that the us policy returned to the traditional male style of American politics?
And bill Clinton with the saxophone and with his eternal Lewinsky's twin sister (+ her blue dress) or Obama walking across the White house lawn a dancing gait of a jazz musician or a dancer — it was unconventional episodes? It was "flower children" in politics?
That may be so. Probably so.
Obama conducted the maiden city politics for Madonna and Hollywood frondiruyuschie of Actresses, huh, for all these Oscar-winning Meryl Streep ?
Let's finally see what it is.
The period of lax frivolity, superiority of Hollywood Madam and broken young hipsters, the third floor and two popes in the family, but without my mom passed.
America has covered the North heavy wind of masculinity. Manhood, if in Russian.
And no demonstration of feminists, lesbians, third gender, fourth gender, transgender, the heirs of the hippies and people from their environment, the old order will not save. Just the Story turned to their masculine side, and there came the new period of glaciation, a new ice age. And the chief of his — Donald trump.
And he sits in the oval office of the White house and with a serious face signed the decrees. Well you dream, dream of impeachment, make a bet in a bookmakers. But wipe your eyes before you sign. Here he is sitting in the oval office.
Actually, if you look, it's all our fault, we and the Caliphate.
The Caliphate challenged its ferocity, and we, the cold edge of Europe only took the call first answered him the same power ferocity, flew to the middle East and became primitive and honestly to bomb the Caliphate from the top.
Grappled with them.
All the rest bustled, meanly, shouted, screamed at forums and ceremonies, and their shrieks nothing at all against the iron foot ancient lizard — Caliphate could not help it.
And it showed the whole planet that we are responsible only to the Caliphate to a man. Well, we have found admirers and fans.
In fact, Russia is a model for trump, and President Putin — his ideal.
Although I admit to idealize the Russian strong man Putin, Donald trump could not: his mixed with the manure for it, beaten McCain with homemade, swollen from the whiskey pale faces, peck.
At the airport in new York with slogans, pretending to meet Muslim passengers, are advanced and civilized overtolerance new Yorkers. Slogans these are:
Welcome! ("Welcome!"), Love not hate! ("Love, not hatred!"). The last slogan — straight from the era of the revolution of colors: "Make love, not war!"
But no one came. And those who came were not allowed.
Trump and Putin will meet in the near future.
The whole world will be quickened beating of the heart.
Suddenly we all needed. And all of a sudden we realized.
The candidate from "just right" on the presidential elections in France, françois Fillon proposes closer ties between Germany, France and RUSSIA.
Well it is clear: trump wants to use us in their struggle with China, and Europe wants us to have on your side in the tug of war with the United States.
To quote another visit — about us:
"It is a huge country, which is not to be taken lightly... Who in their right mind to enter into conflict with Russia?"
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Young Hickory
The deficit is roughly one trillion per year. The budget of the MICC is roughly the same, and is almost entirely wasted, indeed damaging to America’s actual interests. If we weren’t borrowing the money to shower on the financial, defense and bogus “security” sectors of the economy, the remainder of equities (the real economy) would be a small fraction of what we have now, and the corporations would have to provide real services to voluntary consumers.
The entirety of the war on terror is to provide an excuse to lock taxpayers into permanent, involuntary debt servitude and divert resources to the financial elite, who either (to be charitable) don’t care about the resulting death and destruction, or more likely are quite pleased with it. The twin signatures of the neocon project are that the real goals are never stated, and all the expenses fall on someone else. Hillary summed it up nicely in her remarks about public and private truths; she spilled the Straussian beans. They are liars, thieves and murderers. God willing, Trump will Andrew Jackson their fat asses.
Maybe we should call Trump Young Hickory (if he doesn't get kennedy'd)
Speaking of Old Hickory. Toqueville;
"Far from wishing to extend the Federal power, the President belongs to the party which is desirous of limiting that power to the clear and precise letter of the Constitution, and which never puts a construction upon that act favorable to the government of the Union; far from standing forth as the champion of centralization, General Jackson is the agent of the state jealousies; and he was placed in his lofty station by the passions that are most opposed to the central government. It is by perpetually flattering these passions that he maintains his station and his popularity. General Jackson is the slave of the majority: he yields to its wishes, its propensities, and its demands--say, rather, anticipates and forestalls them. (...)
General Jackson stoops to gain the favor of the majority; but when he feels that his popularity is secure, he overthrows all obstacles in the pursuit of the objects which the community approves or of those which it does not regard with jealousy. Supported by a power that his predecessors never had, he tramples on his personal enemies, whenever they cross his path, with a facility without example; he takes upon himself the responsibility of measures that no one before him would have ventured to attempt. He even treats the national representatives with a disdain approaching to insult; he puts his veto on the laws of Congress and frequently neglects even to reply to that powerful body. He is a favorite who sometimes treats his master roughly."
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